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piero della francesca

The great protagonists of the theory and practice of perspectival and architectonic drawing  of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries: Lorenzo Ghiberti, Leon Battista Alberti, Ercole de Roberti, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Giovanni Bellini, Francesco di Giorgio, Albrecht Dürer, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, Baldassare Peruzzi, Aspertini, Michelangelo, and many others, will fill the halls of the Palazzo Magnani in Reggio Emilia, where from 14 March 2015, at the same time of Expo 2015,  a major exhibition of Piero della Francesca will open and remain until June 14, 2015. 

In the exhibition, some mathematical machines built by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia recreate the tools used in the workshop of Piero della Francesca; in this way the visitor can understand the technical devices used by Renaissance artists to trick the human vision. The designs of Piero have then been transformed into three-dimensional models that explain to visitors the logic of their geometric lines.

“PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA. The design of art and science,” is the title of the exhibition. An exhibition with a hundred works as: drawings, paintings, manuscripts, printed works, sculptures, carvings, inlays, medals and tiles that will lead visitors through the chapters of ” De Prospectiva Pingendi “,  thanks to the audio guide of Piergiorgio Odifreddi, which will explain visitors the graphic works and the paintings realised by the Master of Sansepolcro. It is an opportunity, first and only in Italy, to admire his work with great thoroughness.

The highlight of the exposure on the great Master, who mixing art and science has influenced, after centuries, the twentieth-century painting and the Metaphysics, is undoubtedly the copy of ” De Prospectiva Pingendi “,  preserved at the Library “Panizzi” of Reggio Emilia, recognized as one of the most important pieces of  Piero’s perspectival work. This manuscript, written by a copyist of that time,  bears numerous corrections and notes added by Piero.

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